Oban Pool League

The Story So Far.......

Since 2005, The Oban Pool League has provided much needed income for various public houses throughout the town and further afield throughout the quieter winter months.   Fast forward a decade and the league still continues to grow without ever losing sight of its origins, however the league itself has long since shaken off the tag of "Pub League" status.   Now an established member of The Scottish Eightball Pool Federation (SEPF), The Oban Pool League has participated for several years nationally and have evolved into genuine title contenders for every national team event.  This has been a gradual process which has been aided along the way by several Internationalist's from every section, a far cry from its humble beginnings.  Considered major players both on and off the table within the pool fraternity, the league can now proudly boast that they have successfully hosted national events in the town, following The Scottish Open being held in Oban in both 2014 and 2015.


All participating teams will play each other both home and away throughout the season, predominantly on Thursday evenings through the winter.   As agreed at the annual general meeting 2015 the format will consist of three scotch doubles matches, six singles matches (best of three) and another three scotch doubles matches.  The winner/s of each match will win a point for their respective team, with twelve points on offer it is possible that both teams can have a stalemate at six games each.  One point will be awarded for a draw and two points will be awarded for a win (any team scoring seven up to twelve).  The team who accumulate the most points after all league matches have been played will be crowned the league champions. In the event of the teams at the top finishing equal on points, a play-off will decide the league champions.  


The Knock-Out Cup was integrated into The Oban Pool League calendar back in 2008 and now forms part of the scheduled Thursday night matches.  The format of the cup is identical to that of the league, but once a team reaches seven the match is officially over whether the teams play out the remaining scorecard or not.  All matches will be played to a conclusion on the night, in the event of a draw the tie will go to a penalty shoot-out. Penalty shoot-outs will consist of three chosen penalty takers and if level after three penalties each, sudden death will be decisive.  The winners progress to the next round with the losing side being eliminated from the competition.  As agreed at the general meeting in 2013, each round of the cup will be drawn similar to The FA Cup for heightened drama. 


Introduced in 2013 The Shoot-Out Shield is arguably the most exciting tournament within the league set-up. Matches consist of six single frames and no scotch doubles, hence the term Shoot-Out which make all matches fast paced and pleasantly unpredictable.  The Shoot-Out Shield is currently played over a couple of weekends at the tail end of the season, depending on participating teams this will be done in groups on a Saturday and Sunday. The qualifiers from both days will battle it out on a separate day to decide the winners.  


The latest edition to the league's growing collection was introduced in 2014.  Using the scotch doubles scores from the normal league matches the Doubles Championship requires no extra scheduling on the pool calendar. Identical scoring system to the official league is in effect, two points for a win and one for a draw. 


Throughout the season all individual player statistics from the league singles section are recorded.  At the end of the season the player who has won the most matches will be crowned the player of the year, if players are tied frame difference will come into effect.  The league's player of the year award is for both male and female players as agreed at the annual general meeting 2010, however as of 2012 female players also have their own player of the year award. Cup matches have no impact on the player of the year standings.  


Using the statistics from the player of the year standings the top ranked thirty two players qualify for the opportunity to win the most coveted individual trophy in Oban Pool.  The event is seeded throughout, the top seed will play the thirty second seed and so forth, the opponent of any qualifying player who cannot attend will be awarded a bye.  No replacement players will be offered an opportunity following the AGM 2012.  All games are a race to three throughout the competition.  T


As of the 2021 / 2022 season the mandatory membership fee will be sixty pounds.  Membership fees are used for running costs and will never be used outwith the league set-up under any circumstances.


The league finances are readily available at all times for any member/player to check the financial state of the league. These are not to be mistaken with the finances of Region Five which is a completely separate entity from the league and have far more transactions throughout the year.  The league has its own bank account and is very self-sufficient, prudently using the membership fees and any sponsorship for purchasing trophies and subsequent engraving.  The league may join forces with Region Five in fundraising to host national events in Oban, these funds are completely separate to the league accounts.


No match is to be postponed without the permission of the league chairman under any circumstances.  However the league committee is aware that throughout the season situations may arise that are unavoidable and requests for postponements will be received and their validity reviewed.  As agreed at the 2012 AGM no team is to be punished and forced to play with a weakened team due to the fact they have players unavailable through representing either the league, region/county or indeed Scotland.  Any side who are severely hampered due to work commitments may request a postponement, but the committee would like to stress any players electing to partake in another past time which they deem takes presidency will be refused any postponement. The League Committee expects common decency to prevail regarding any postponements and twenty four hours notice should be offered where possible unless under extreme circumstances. To re-iterate all postponements must have the authorization of the league chairman.


The Oban Pool League operates an anti-bullying policy which is in operation throughout the entire season.  The committee expects all players to enjoy themselves without the threat of physical violence or intimidating behaviour. Players found to be behaving in a disorderly manner to either opponents or publicans will be liable to league suspension or expulsion.  The league has no control or jurisdiction over any player after the conclusion of matches, but would like to stress the fact on Thursday evenings they represent the league within the membership venues.


As of 2017, The Oban Pool League have a new website which rivals, if not surpasses any other website of its kind in Scottish Pool.  A state of the art information centre for any player/s to keep tabs on their performances throughout the season and even reminisce over past glories in the relevant sections.  This is a brilliant tool for any member wanting to follow the progress of his/her team as the sides contest all competitions.



International Rules Apply